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Degree Programmes

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Sl. No. Name of the Course No. of Seats No. of Seats under Lateral Entry
1. Degree in Civil Engineering 30 09
2. Degree in Computer Science & Engineering 30 09
3. Degree in Electronics Engineering 30 09

As per the approved guidelines of the Andaman and Nicobar Administration, the percentage of seats allotment to each category is listed below

Category Eligibility Seat( in %)
I Tribal 20
II Deputationist and Central Government employee, with transfer liability to serve outside the union territory, provided the candidates in this category have studied the last two years in the islands and passed the qualifying examination from a school in the islands 10
III Settlers who are settled prior to 1942 and those who were settled under various rehabilitation schemes introduced under various occupations of the islands. The seats in this category will be allocated as under:
  1. Pre-42 & Settler - 1/3rd
  2. Others settler 1/3rd
  3. Seat to be allocated on the basis of combined merit of (a) & (b) above - 1/3rd
IV Others who do not fall under any of the above categories but have 10yrs. of continous education in these islands. 20
V General merit opens to all the residents of A & N Islands irrespective of any classification. This will be subject to condition that the last two years in the islands and pass the qualifying examination from a school in the islands. Un - utilised seats of categories I, II, III & IV above
  1. Un-Utilized seats of category I-IV will be diverted to category V subject to be condition that the candidates in that the category have atleast two years of continue education in these islands.
  2. In case the seats are still vacant the children's of Central Govt. and UT Administration Employees studying in mainland will also be considered based on merit on approval by Administration.

Entry Qualification

12th pass with 50% in mathematics, physics & chemistry from recognized Board or Institution.

Age Limits

The candidate should not have completed 21 years of age as on 1st July of the academic year under consideration. For Lateral Entry admission to second year of degree programme, candidates should not have completed 24 years as on 1st July of the academic year under consideration. In the case of SC/ST candidates, the age limit is relaxable by 3 years for both the cases.


All the Degree courses in Engineering are affiliated to Pondicherry University.

Discontinuation of Course

If a candidate wishes to temporarily discontinue the course for valid reasons, he/she shall apply through the Head of the Institution in advance and obtain a written order from the University permitting discontinuance. A candidate after temporary discontinuance may re-join the course only at the commencement of the semester at which he/she discontinued, provided he/she pays the prescribed fees to the University. The total period of completion of the course reckoned from the commencement of the first semester to which the candidate was admitted shall not in any case exceed 7 years, including of the period of discontinuance.

Sl. No. Particulars Amount (in Rs.)
1. Semester/Tuition Fee 2000
2. Internal Semester Exam Fee 300
3. Lab/Workshop Fee(Semester) 1600
4. Library Fee(Semester) 500
5. Pupil Fund(Semester) 600
6. Admission Fee (Once) 200
7. Smart Card (Once) 100
8. PSSCS (Share-Refundable) 60
9. Caution Deposit (Refundable) 500
10. Recognition Fee 180
11. Matriculation Fee 018
12. Sports Fee 025
13. University Development Fee 1000
  Total Fee 7083

Subsequent Semester Fee : Rs 5000

For degree courses performances of students in each paper are expressed in terms of marks as well as in Letter Grades. In case of fractions the marks shall be rounded off to nearest integer. The class interval for the purpose of awarding the grades can be arrived at by dividing the difference between the highest mark secured and the minimum pass mark by 6 as there are six passing grades

Award of Letter Grades

The assessment of a course will be done on absolute marks basis. However, for the purpose of reporting the performance of a candidate, letter grades, each carrying certain points, will be awarded as per the range of total marks (out of 100) obtained by the candidates, as detailed below:

Range of the Total Marks Letter Grade Grade Points
90 to 100 S 10
80 to 89 A 09
70 to 79 B 08
60 to 69 C 07
55 to 59 D 06
50 to 54 E 05
0 to 49 F 0

"F" denotes failure in the course. ‘FA’ denotes absent / detained.

After results are declared, grade sheets will be issued to the students. The grade sheets  will contain the following details:

  1. The college in which the candidate has studied
  2. The list of courses enrolled during the semester and the grades scored.
  3. The Grade Point Average (GPA) for the semester and the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of all enrolled subjects from first semester onwards
  4. GPA is the ratio of sum of the products of the number of credits (C) of course registered and the corresponding grades points (GP) scored in those courses, taken for all the courses and sum of the number of credits of all the courses
    • GPA = (Sum of (C x GP) / Sum of C)
    • GPA will be calculated in a similar manner, considering all the courses enrolled from first semester. FA grades are to be excluded for calculating GPA and CGPA.

The conversion of CGPA into percentage marks is as given below

% Marks = (CGPA - 0.5) x 10

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