22 January , 2025 | 03:52:12 AM IST



Home / Library

The institute library was set up in the year 1984. Since then it has grown in size and content to take the present shape. The library has been the lifeline of academic activities of the institute.

The library is well equipped with modern facilities. The library software has been developed by our student as a project and all the library activities are computerized, including bar-coding of books. Separate Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) terminal provided for searching books in the library. Apart from books the library also has an excellent collection of educational CD`s and encyclopaedia’s. The library remains open on all working days from 0745 Hrs to 1900 Hrs. Reprographic facilities are also available for students of the institute for nominal charges. About 1400 books are added every year.

Internet facility is also available for the staff and students. Here the students can browse the net and collect the information by printing. Library membership is also open to the Alumni of the institute.

The Library is housed in the main building and caters to the information needs of the faculty members and students. It has around 43600 books covering all disciplines of engineering technology, humanities and social sciences.

Books/ Periodicals/ Newspapers/CD`s :

Books 44279
e-Journal 4 (About 200 journals can be accessed (Current + Back File)
No. of Journals(Print) 05
No.of Magazines/periodicals 32
No. of Newspapers 05
No. of Educational Cds 415
No. of CAI packages 21

Mr. Harsabardhan Barik

Librarian (In-Charge)


View Profile

Mrs. Shikha Biswas

Library Assistant


Ms. Durga

Lab Attendant


Mrs. Sunita Kumari

Library Attendant


Mr. Tapas Sarnakar

Library Attendant (Contract)


Ms. Mary Suguna

Library Attendant (Contract)


Mrs. Kailash Kumari



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Page Last updated on : 11/03/2021 01:10:20 PM
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