08 February , 2025 | 09:10:02 PM IST


Mrs. Alka Singh




QualificationName of the InstituteUniversityYear of Passing
BSc EngineeringBihar College of engineeringPatna University1991
Experience TypeInstitute/ Company NameDesignationFromTo
TeachingDr B. R. Ambedkar Institute of technologyLecturer11-August-2003Till Date
IndustryElectricity Department Port BlairJunior Engineer12-March-199310-August-2003
  1. Basic Electronics
  2. Counselling
TopicName of College/ InstituteDuration and Dates
Outcome based education system NTTR Kolkata01-May-2017 to 11-May-2017 ( 2 Weeks)
Instructional system: Design & AssessmentNTTR Kolkata02-May-2016 to12-May-2016 (2 Weeks)
MATLABCDAC Chennai(2 Weeks)
Embedded Systems & MicrocontrollersCETE Hyderabad22-December-2014 to 05-January-2015 (2 Weeks)
Analog & Digital communication & Fibre Optic communication)Scientech Technologies pvt ltd Indore.06-June-2005 to 18-June-2005 (2 Weeks)
Bio medical EngineeringDr Balabhai Nanawati Hospital Mumbai21-June-2004 to17-July-2004 (04 Weeks)
Training on Basic Awareness in ComputerElectricity(Department)11-June-2001 to 29-June-2001 (3 Weeks)
Installation Maintenance & Programming of VHF setsElectricity(Department)26-February-2001 to 02-March-2001 (1 Week)

Designed and Maintained by Department of Computer Sci. & Engg.,BRAIT

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