04 December , 2024 | 03:55:05 PM IST


Mr. Sajan Thomas




QualificationName of the InstituteUniversityYear of Passing
B EGovt College of TechnologyMadras1984
Experience TypeInstitute/ Company NameDesignationFromTo
TeachingDr B R Ambedkar Institute of TechnologyLecturerJan 2003Till Date
IndustryElectricity Department Diesel Power PlantJunior EngineerJan 2000Dec 2002
IndustryGovt Dockyard, Dte of Shipping ServicesAsst Marine EngineerAug 1996Dec 1999
TeachingDr B R Ambedkar Govt PolytechnicLecturerJan 1995July 1996
IndustryElectricity Department Diesel Power PlantJunior EngineerJan 1987Dec 1994
IndustryAndaman Fish Processing UnitPlant EngineerJan 1986Dec 1986
IndustryIndia PistonsEngg TraineeMay 1985Sept 1985
  1. Heating, Ventilation, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (HVRAC).
  2. Internal combustion engines
  3. Thermal energy systems
TopicName of College/ InstituteDuration and Dates
Maintenance of distribution transformersCIRE, Hyderabad2 weeks
Maintenance of Cummins enginesKirloskar Cummins Trg Centre, Pune/ Bangalore2 weeks
CDTP and PWD schemeNITTTR Kolkata2 weeks
Induction cum OBENITTTR Kolkata2 weeks
Outcome based education NITTTR Bhopal4 days
Instructional system design and assessmentNITTTR Kolkata2 weeks
Non conventional machiningHMT Bangalore2 weeks
Modern Practices in machine designNirma Inst of Tech, Ahmedabad2 weeks
Training of trainers and assessorsShipping Corporation of India2 weeks
Industry attachment trainingForeman training institute, Bangalore4 weeks

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