14 September , 2024 | 10:41:50 AM IST





The Project, Third phase of Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (referred to as TEQIP-III) is fully integrated with the Twelfth Five-year Plan objectives for Technical Education as a key component for improving the quality of Engineering Education in existing institutions with a special consideration for Low Income States and Special Category States and support to strengthen few affiliated technical universities to improve their policy, academic and management practices.

Project Objectives

  • Improving quality and equity in engineering institutions in focus states viz. 7 Low Income States (LIS1 ), eight states in the North-East of India, three Hill states viz. Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttarakhand and Andaman and Nicobar Islands (a union territory (UT)).
  • System-level initiatives to strengthen sector governance and performance which include widening the scope of Affiliating Technical Universities (ATUs) to improve their policy, academic and management practices towards affiliated Institutions.
  • Twinning Arrangements to Build Capacity and Improve Performance of institutions and ATUs participating in focus states.

Project Scope

Only the Government and Government aided AICTE approved Engineering institutions/Engineering faculty/Engineering Teaching Department/Constituent Institutions of Universities/Deemed to be Universities and new centrally funded institutions in SCS will be the part of the project. An estimated 200 Government and Government funded Engineering institutions including Affiliating Technical Universities (ATUs) will be selected under different sub-components in one or two cycles.

Project Strategy

The project will be implemented in alignment with the 12th Five Year Plan (2012- 17), based on faster, sustainable, and inclusive growth. It emphasizes increasing the supply of highly-skilled workers to drive the economy, as well as helping lowincome states catch up with their more advanced neighbours. The Project will be implemented through the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) of the Government of India as a Central Sector Scheme (CSS), wherein 100% funds will be provided as grants to the States, Institutions & ATUs.


Improving quality and equity in engineering institutions in focus states:

Institutional Development for Participating Institutions An estimated 90 Engineering Education institutions meeting (progressively) the enabling mechanisms and based on meeting minimum standards in quality of Institutional Development Proposals (IDPs), will be selected. Institutions are required to define the activities in their IDP that they want to carry out in the project. These activities should be under the scope of the project and are those that fulfil the objectives of the project. However, some of the suggested activities under the scope of the project are given below:

  • Procurement of Goods (equipment, furniture, books LRs, software and minor items) and minor civil works.
  • Improvement in Teaching, Learning and Research competence. o Improve student learning, o Student employability.
  • Increasing faculty productivity and motivation.
  • Establishing a twinning system: Twinning arrangements with high performing institutions under Subcomponent 1.3 to build capacity and improved performance o Recruitment and retention of high quality faculty (through better faculty appraisal systems and the faculty recruitment plan). (Consultant services if required, can also be procured for the above said activities.).

Implementation of TEQIP–III Project in Dr B R Ambedkar Institute of Technology, A & N Islands:

The third phase of Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP-III) under Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India is being implemented in Dr B R Ambedkar Institute of Technology, A & N Islands alongwith 18 other states of the country, TEQIP-III project has been launched by MHRD on 1st April 2017 and will last up to 30th September 2020.
The following activities are covered under TEQIP-III:

  • Procurement of Goods (Equipment, Furniture, Books & LRs, Software and minor civil works).
  • Improvement in Teaching/Learning & Research Competence.
  • Faculty and Staff training (qualification up-gradation, participation in seminars, conferences, workshops etc).
  • Improving transition rates of students and improving non-cognitive skills of students.
  • Instituting, academic and non-academic reforms (curricular reforms, digital learning accreditation, autonomy).
  • Student employability (increasing interaction with industry, students career counseling and placement, mandatory internship).
  • Establishing training system (joint workshops/seminars, joint research, coaching for GATE and placement, Faculty exchange programme, joint campus selection.
  • Increasing faculty productivity and motivation through sponsored research, consultancy and revenue generating activity.
Costing Parameters Cost Per Institute(In Rs. Crore)
Component 1: Improving quality and equity in focus states -
1.1 : Institution Development Grant in focus States/UTs
Autonomous Institutions (by UGC) 15
Non Autonomous Institutions 10
New NITs/IIITs/ 15
1.2 : ATUs in focus States/UTs 20
1.3 : Grants towards twinning arrangements 7

S.No. Key Activities Category of Expenditure (Head of expenditure ) Percentage (%) Cost (Rs. in crore) for non-autonomous Institution

Procurement of Goods

  • Equipment
  • Furniture
  • Learning resources(e books, e-journals, softwares, text book etc)
  • Minor civil works for improvement in teaching, training and learning facilities
Procurement Up to 60% 6.00

Academic Process - Improvement in Teaching, Learning and Research competence

  • Improve student learning
  • Student employability
  • Increasing faculty productivity and motivation
  • Research and development
  • Management Capacity development
  • MOOCs and digital learning
  • Hiring Consultancy Services
  • Industry-Institute Interaction
  • Reforms, governance
  • Establishing a twinning system
  • Twining arrangements with high performing institutions under Sub-component 1.3 to build capacity and improved performance.
Academic At least 30% 3.00
3. Incremental Operating Cost (including Faculty Reforms) IOC Up to 10% 1.00
Total 100 10.00

Present Status on Expenditure:

S.No. Key Activities Category of Expenditure (Head of expenditure ) Percentage (%) Cost (Rs. in crore) for non-autonomous Institution
1. Procurement of Goods Procurement 28.53% 1.71
2. Academic Process - Improvement in Teaching, Learning and Research competence Academic 54% 1.61
3. Incremental Operating Cost (including Faculty Reforms) IOC 75% 0.75
Total 41% 4.06

Mr. Shankar Rao

TEQIP Coordinator

andamanteqip3[at]gmail.com, shankar_adn[at]yahoo.com

Mr. Harsabardhan Barik

Nodal Officer (Procurement)


Mrs. N. Kavidha

Nodal Officer (Finance)


Mr. Altamash Mustafa

Nodal Officer (Academic)


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