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Training & Placement

Home / Training & Placement

Dr. S. Raji

Training & Placement Officer In-Charge


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Mrs. T. Safia Bibi



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The Training & Placement Cell acts as a facilitator and organizer for various training activities pertaining to staff & students and placement activities pertaining to the students. The Training & Placement Cell also coordinated the Continuing Education Programmes with Continuing Education Cell of the institute and various activities concerning the Industry - Institute Interaction programmes. Presently the alumni activity is also being monitored by the Training & Placement Cell. It coordinates various in-house and external trainings for both students and staff faculty.

General Overview of Training & Placement Cell

Dr.S. Raji, is the present Training & Placement Officer for Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Institute of Technology. The Training & Placement Cell provide all assistance and coordination to arrange the following activities,

  • Industrial Visits for students to various industry/technical organisations/sites.
  • Guest Lectures by prominent Industrial experts.
  • In-house Training for both Students and Staffs/Faculties.
  • Career Counselling in schools.
  • External training for faculty/staff in various organisations/ INIs (Institute of National Importance).
  • Industrial Attachment training for students during Summer & Winter Vacation (as per AICTE guidelines).
  • Employability Skill Training for students.
  • Online/Offline Campus recruitment.
  • Seminar/Conferences (both internal & external).

Training & Placement Cell ensures that Faculty/staff and students are exposed to latest technological trainings so that Faculty/staff enhances their competency and skill to train the students for better employability opportunities. Students are given opportunity to attend Future Skill trainings as notified by AICTE./MoE in both offline/online mode.

The cell also monitors the training requirement for Diploma/Degree students as per AICTE guidelines. The Cell is supported by Training Placement Advisors and Training Placement coordinators, faculty and students nominated by individual department respectively. The Cell also coordinates with Alumni for various activities organised by the Institute and carry out Tracer study for placement details. The Training & Placement cell is located at the ground floor near BTK lab of Hotel Management Department.

  • Conducting Training for students in Future skills and Soft Skills for enhancing their employability and providing placement opportunities.
  • Organizing Technical in-house Training and external trainings in INIs for Faculty/staff each with External and Internal Expertise.

Training of Staff

In house training External Training in mainland. Seminar/ Group Discussion/ Workshop

Training of Student

Industrial Attachment training in mainland and at Local Organisations. Local Industrial visits. Guest Faculty Address. Seminars/ EDP`s

Placement of the Students

Campus Recruitment Facilitate local placement. Tracer study of passed out students. Conducting Mock Interview. Organizing Soft Kill Training.


Organizing Continuing Education Programme (C.E.) for in service people. Organizing Internal/ External programmes in the Audio Visual Hall. Alumni Association activities.
Organizing MDP program to various Government Organisation. Organizing Orientation Program for newly recruited people (both Internal & External)


Structured training are organized for both students and staff on the basis and formulation of training requirement as and when required.

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